Friday, October 30, 2009

India Student Visa Information

Indian Visa Application Center can be found at:
India Visa Application Centre
House no 12 Road no. 137
Gulshan - 1
Dhaka - 1212.
Phone: 01819 262149 (Mobile)
Working days: Sunday to Thursday except holidays.
08.00 am to 02.00 pm for depositing.
04.00 pm to 06.00 for collection of passports.

Visa fees:
1. For Student Visa (Valid for the duration of the Course or a period of 5 years, whichever is less ? Multiple entries) you have to pay visa fee in US$ 102.
2. For Student Visa (6 months and up to one year) you have to pay visa fee in US$ 88.
3. Telex fee (for clearance purpose): US$ 6.
4. Non-refundable service charge will be realized from applicant by the India Visa Application Centre run by the State Bank of India.

a.The application fee is not refundable in case your application is not successful.
b. Due to currency fluctuations, fees are subject to change without notice.

Photography specification:
1. Identical passport-size photographs depicting full face.
The photograph should be:
a. Taken against a light colored.
b. Clear and of good quality and not framed.

Applicants should provide the following documents:
1. Student visa application form, completed and signed by the applicant.
2. Passport in original, with minimum validity of six months and with at least two blank pages.
3. Two identical passport-size photographs depicting full face.
4. Evidence of admission to the Institute/Course from recognized University/Board.
5. Photocopies of relevant academic certificates on the basis of which admission is sought or has been obtained.
6. Evidence of English qualifications.
7. A guarantee from parents/guardian, through the authorized Bank to the effect that he/she has enough financial resources to support your studies in India and the Bank will remit on behalf of parents/guardian, the required foreign exchange.
8. Bonafide certificate as a student if already pursuing studies in India. 9. Evidence of Employment.
10. In addition, supporting documents, in original along with one set of photocopies attested by the applicant.

Conditions for entry into India:
(Please read this section carefully)
1. Your visa application is liable to be rejected if you--
a. Suffer from dangerous disease, such as, tuberculosis and AIDS. b. Suffer from mental illness.
c. Are addicted to or have trafficked in narcotics.
d. Have been convicted for or have criminal charges outstanding in any country.
e. Have been deported or expelled from any county.
2. Even if you hold a valid entry clearance you can still be refused entry into India by the Immigration officer, if he is satisfied that:
a. Your entry clearance was obtained by false representation or by concealment of relevant facts, whether or not you were aware of that fact.
b. A change in circumstances between' the date of your application and your arrival in India it validates your entry clearance; or refusal is justified on the ground of restricted return ability, medical. grounds, criminal record, because you are subject to a deportation order; your exclusion would be conductive to the public good.
3. An immigration officer can ask anyone to be medically examined on arrival in India, if he considers necessary. If you intend to stay in India longer than' six months you could be required to have a medical examination before your entry clearance is issued.
4. You must not undertake employment or formal study/research in India unless granted employment or student visa.
5. You must leave India by the end of the authorized period of stay unless extended by appropriate authority.

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